Creating a Safe and Comfortable Space for Home Yoga Practice

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Last week’s post was all about starting and maintaining a home practice, which led to some entertaining discussions with my students, about squeezing yoga mats into tiny spaces at home. So, here is a little bit more on the topic of setting up a safe space for home practice and how to use household items as yoga props 😊  

Setting up a space for your home practice

Choose a Tranquil Spot: Select a quiet, clutter-free area where you can practice without distractions. It could be a corner of your living room, a section of your bedroom, or even a cozy space in your backyard. If you can’t block out the noise around you, consider ear plugs or headphones with some good music.

Natural Light: If possible, practice in an area with access to natural light. Sunlight can enhance your mood and energy levels, creating a more positive practice experience. If it’s dark outside, or you want a more restorative practice, consider dimmed lights or candles, as long as you can stay safe while doing so.  

Clean and Clutter-Free: Ensure your practice space is clean and free from clutter. A tidy environment can help clear your mind and enhance your focus. Having the pile of ironing laid out next to you, while you’re trying to practice, may challenge your ability to relax a bit more than needed.  

Non-Slip Surface: Use a non-slip yoga mat or a rug to prevent slipping during poses. This is crucial for your safety.

Comfortable Temperature: Maintain a comfortable temperature in your practice space. You should feel neither too hot nor too cold. Wear layers so you can stay comfortable throughout your practice and have socks and blankets handy for keeping warm during restorative or yin poses, and savasana. If you get to hot, consider a fan or open a window.

Personal Touch: If you can adjust your surroundings to add a personal touch and set the mood for your practice, even better. Consider plants, quotes, throws and art to make the inviting and conducive to mindfulness.

Household Items as Yoga Props

Not everyone has a collection of yoga props on hand, but many common household items can serve as excellent substitutes to enhance your home practice:

Yoga Strap Alternative: If you don’t have a yoga strap, a belt or a long scarf can be used for stretching and deepening your stretches.

Yoga Block Substitutes: A stack of books or even a firm pillow can act as makeshift yoga blocks to assist with balance and alignment in various poses. Whatever you use, make sure it offers sufficient stability.

Bolster Stand-In: Folded blankets or towels can serve as bolsters for restorative poses, making them more comfortable and relaxing.

Cushions and Pillows: Cushions or pillows from your sofa or bed can be used to support your knees, sit comfortably in meditation, or relax in Savasana. You are in the privacy of your own home. You might as well make it as cozy as can be, using your favorite pillows, blankets, oodie, … etc

Water Bottle Weights: Use water bottles or cans as lightweight hand weights for strength-building exercises.

Towel as a Mat Grip: If your mat tends to slide, place a non-slippery towel underneath to keep it securely in place.

Safety First

Always prioritize safety in your practice space. Ensure that you have adequate space around you to move freely without obstructions. Keep your practice space well-lit to avoid accidents; for a dim lit restorative practice, make sure you are familiar with your space. Be mindful of any sharp or fragile objects nearby that could pose a hazard during dynamic movements.

By creating a safe, clean, and personalised practice space, you can enhance your yoga journey. Using household items as props not only saves you money but also adds a creative twist to your practice.

Now, let’s roll out those mats, gather our household items, and embark on a journey of well-being and self-care from the comfort of our homes. If you have any additional tips or creative ideas for your practice space, please share them in the comments below 😊

#HomeYogaPractice #YogaProps #CreateYourSpace

(Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

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